Quirky Deogiri-Daulatabad

Introduction People who are breifly familiar with the history of Deccan or that of the Delhi Sultanate, would easily recall this famous name - Deogiri, a.k.a. Daulatabad. The quirky Sultan Mohammad bin-Tughlaq forcibly moved the capital here from Delhi in 1327, only to move it back to Delhi later in 1351. This quirk was dictated by a logic that Deogiri was located closer to the centre of the Sultanate and would be well insulated in case of attacks from across the Indus. However, the place lacked an important artefact - water - and that necessitated the return of the Sultan. This quirky tale, somehow assumes significance in today's narration as most of Maharashtra faces a severe drought. One can easily inferr that scouting for water, and/or proper planning for irrigation before moving could have offered a better result for the Sultan, saving the logistics of moving the capital twice and in turn, a saving-grace for his legacy. One can also infer that adequate preparation and pla...